Conceptual Meditation: The Basics
This blog has moved to This is a basic guide on how to get started with conceptual meditation and how to use your hands as a tool for deepening concentration. A chiropsalterium from Johannes Mauburnus' Rosetum exercitiorum spiritualium et sacrarum 1496 It is a common myth that meditation is an "eastern" thing, imported to the west from Asia. What I call conceptual meditation is a way of meditating that was practiced both in the pagan ancient world and in medieval Christianity. While eastern meditation can often be roughly framed as intentionally non-conceptual , reaching for a mental quiet beyond thought, conceptual meditation uses thought as a vehicle to insight. In this post I will give you the basic instructions on how to get started with conceptual meditation. The instructions will be aimed at total beginners and meditation adepts who want to learn a new technique alike. The practice I describe is my own idiosyncratic mix of techniques fou...